American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Preservation Through Conservation

As a reminder, the last day tomorrow to submit an abstract for the ASBPA Fall Conference, October 13-16.

Jerry Mohn

ASBPA 2020 National Coastal Conference
2020 Vision for Our Coasts:  Navigating Stormy Times
— Due June 12, 2020 —

The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) 2020 National Coastal Conference will be held through an online platform.  In cooperation with the Coastal Zone Foundation, ASBPA has updated the Call for Abstracts, now due June 12, 2020.  The new conference theme is “2020 Vision for Our Coasts: Navigating Stormy Times.”  During the week of October 13-16, the conference will be offered as a blend of synchronous and asynchronous on-line presentations, lightning talks, networking events, virtual breakout sessions, and more.  The new online format is meant to address the COVID-19 related safety measures and travel restrictions, providing an alternate format for the coastal community to gather and discuss key topics. Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will also be available for full registrants.

Abstracts for oral presentations will be accepted through June 12 and poster presentations through August 21.  Abstracts shall be limited to 500 words and submitted via the online form at

A select number of presentations will be presented live (and recorded for subsequent viewing).  All other accepted abstracts will be required to submit a 10-minute pre-recorded PowerPoint presentation or a shorter poster recording. All presentations will be posted to the virtual Conference platform, which will encourage both live and virtual interaction, questions, and comments.  All presenters and attendees must agree to respecting the Intellectual Property of presenters.

Presentations are sought for a broad range of scientific, engineering, economics, coastal management, hazard risk management, and policy topics.  We welcome explanation of how these topics intersect with COVID-19 response and recovery.  Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Beach restoration and management
  • Coastal design concepts and projects
  • Green/grey infrastructure and living shorelines
  • Regional comprehensive coastal studies
  • Lessons learned from storms and extreme events
  • Coastal & estuarine modeling
  • Coastal hazard mapping & analysis tools
  • Sea level rise guidance, planning and policy
  • Lagoon, wetland, marsh and estuary restoration
  • Regional sediment management
  • Economics of coastal resources
  • Federal, state and local coastal policy, regulatory and legal issues
  • Sand source availability and sand rights
  • Coastal infrastructure management
  • Resiliency and adaptation policy
  • “Nuisance flooding” and urban flooding challenges
  • Lessons and issues in coastal communication and outreach

This year ASBPA’s conference also invites presentations for a dedicated track on coastal and beach operations and management. This track can include topics such as:

  • Implications of COVID-19 response and recovery (economic, social, physical);
  • The challenges of beach management operations and coastal land use especially when considering the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR);
  • The complexities of daily management related to specific challenges associated with beach access, lifeguards, trash collection and removal, beach closures for public health concerns and/or storms, and king tides;
  • Communication and outreach to diverse stakeholders for addressing sea-level rise, sediment deficiencies, water quality, king tides, and impacts of urban flooding.

Additional conference information and details on presentation formats will be forthcoming and available at

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