American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Preservation Through Conservation

ASBPA 2020 Symposium

ASBPA Texas Chapter 2020 Symposium
“Improving Texas Shores and Beaches”

March 13, 2020 update:

After careful consideration and in view of the COVID-19 coronavirus situation, for the safety and health of our members, the Texas Chapter of the ASBPA Board of Directors and the Communications Chair, Cris Weber, have decided to postpone the Field Trip of March 30 and Symposium for March 31 at the Harte Institute in Corpus Christi.  We will be monitoring the situation and hopefully to have the Field Trip and Symposium later this year at the Harte Institute.

All submitted abstracts will be carried forward to the Symposium when it is rescheduled, and any questions on this may be directed to Cris Weber (  Cris will also follow up directly with the people already registered for the Symposium.

Jerry Mohn


For the Texas  ASBPA Chapter fifth symposium at the Harte Research Institute in Corpus Christi on March 31 with the theme “Improving Texas Shores and Beaches”, Co Chair of the event, Cris Weber, has provided a reservation link with an Eventbrite scheduler below to please use if you plan to attend.

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