Attn: Texas ASBPA Chapter members and friends:
The meeting this past Friday, 5/2, in Corpus Christi, was a success. We had about 50 people attend and the facilities were great as well as the food and presentations. We thank Derek Herzog (Beach and Aquatics Superintendent for the City of Corpus Christi) and the City of Corpus Christi in hosting and sponsoring the meeting.
Please view the minutes of the meeting via this link – thanks to Dan Heilman, Secretary of the Chapter.
The Board of Directors plans to have our next meeting in the upper coast, Houston or Galveston, the end of July or in August. The theme of the meeting will be the Texas Chapter engaging and partnering with the Galveston District Army Corp of Engineers in which we plan to have speakers from the District.
We will keep you posted on the meeting date and location, which will again be a luncheon. Many thanks for your continued support of the Texas Chapter of the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association.
Jerry Mohn