American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Preservation Through Conservation

Attn:  Texas ASBPA Members and Friends

Please find attached the agenda for the lunch meeting this Friday, January 31, starting at 11:30 AM at the Lamar Center on the Lamar State College Campus in Port Arthur, Texas.  A copy of the Lamar State College campus is attached and the meeting will be held at the Carl A. Parker Multipurpose Center (noted as location #24 on the map attached).

Directions from Houston to Lamar State College in Port Arthur is at:

Please also find the attached agenda for the meeting.  As you can see each meeting has such great information and we learn so much about our coastal neighbors

We thank Bill Worsham, Karina Moreno, and Maria Lucio of LJA Engineering in helping set up the meeting, luncheon, and location.

In addition, I am attaching the legislative agenda we plan to take to Washington D.C. to the ASBPA Conference February 25-27 to discuss when we meet with the Texas legislators.  Please let me know if you have any additional legislative agenda items to add.

Also, we had great response from coastal communities and organizations adopting a resolution to send to the Texas Governor about directing the funds from the Restore Act to coastal communities and projects.  I would appreciate if you could email a copy of the resolution you adopted.

Once again, we have a great meeting planned for this Friday so please bring your colleagues and associates for a great luncheon and meeting.  We are trying to get a head count so please let me know if you plan to attend and any associates/friends you plan to bring to the luncheon meeting.

Thanks you again and hope to see you Friday in Port Arthur.

Jerry Mohn

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