American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Preservation Through Conservation

Attn:  Texas ASBPA Members and friends

Hopefully you have saved the date for our next meeting on May 2 in Corpus Christi, which will be at the Fajitaville Grille in North Beach located at 221 South Hotel Place.  Check their website:  This is a great place for a meeting and we will be on the third floor with a great view of the beach and bay.

We thank the City of Corpus Christi in hosting and sponsoring the buffet luncheon meeting. The main speaker will be Derek Herzog (Beach and Aquatics Superintendent for the City of Corpus Christi) and he will discuss about their coastal program and beach issues.

The Technical Committee has two short presentations: One by Cameron Perry, HDR, on the history of North Beach, the past projects, and what the City is working on now. The other will be Cris Weber of Atkins Global on the “Port Alto Beach Restoration and Conservation Project”.

We will have a legislative update from Cameron and John Lee as well as the upcoming Newsletter by Cris Weber.

One discussion item is how the Texas Chapter can partner more with the Galveston District of the Corp of Engineers.  This COE district really has an impact on the Texas coast as well as many communities and businesses. The Texas Chapter needs to involve them more in the organization just like the COE headquarters in Washington D.C. are involved with the parent ASBPA.  I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on this.

An agenda will be forthcoming but do plan to attend and hopefully stay the weekend and enjoy this beautiful part of the Texas coast.  Check the Corpus Christi website for activities that weekend plus places to stay and eat:

Hope to see you May 2.

Jerry Mohn, President

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